LRYFC is a youth football & cheer league for students zoned for
Legacy Ranch High School in Liberty Hill, TX.
The league promotes:
LRYFC’s Football Mission:
To replicate the Liberty Hill ISD Football System to the exact same standards and specifications prescribed by LRHS/SRMS Coaches. LRYFC is dedicated to fully supporting the Liberty Hill ISD Coaches by teaching the Legacy Ranch Offensive and Defensive Football Systems exactly how they will be run when the young Wranglers enter 7th grade. LRYFC will continue to remain current with the LRHS Football System and make any adaptations or changes adopted by the Coaches.
LRYFC's Cheer Mission:
To give girls ranging from 1st through 6th grades the proper fundamental foundation of cheerleading and pride for our Legacy Ranch community, including but not limited to: Wrangler Cheers/Chants, Motions, Jump Technique, Beginner Stunts, Dance Routine, and a whole lot of WRANGLER PRIDE!
Congratulations Wranglers on a fantastic inaugural season! Registration for the next chapter of Legacy Ranch Youth Football & Cheer will open March 1, 2025! Building Champions from the ground up and teaching them what it means to #BeTheLegacy!
We are always looking for critical sponsors to help support the kids participating in football and cheer!
Dates for the upcoming season are summarized HERE, including the game schedule. Don't miss critical events like uniform fittings, camps, and picture day! Times have been finalized for camp and the first two weeks of practice.
Game schedule and standings are also posted on the HCYFL website.
Legacy Ranch Youth Football & Cheer